Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cake Pops

I love Cake Pops! They are fun and easy to make. A Cake Pop is a Ball of cake with icing on a stick. Cake Balls and Cake Pops make great treats as well as giveaways to children's party and other occasions, its like a lolli-cake (lollipop  cake on a stick) with super duper cute design. 
My first attempt with cake pops was last July2011. All i did was i baked some cake, then i mashed it into tiny little pieces, i added some butter cream to the cake and when it was firm enough to make a shape, i made balls out of the mixture. 
I then placed my cake balls into the ref and let them rest for an hour or so.
I poked each cake balls with sticks and then i dipped them to my chocolate ganache. 


Anyways, Here's a step-by-step procedure on how to make cake pops..


  • -Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough Cake Pops:-
  • 1 package Betty Crocker Chocolate-Chip Cookie Mix
  • 1/2 cup butter spread/margarine- at room temperature
  • 1 egg- at room temperature
  • 1 cup homemade vanilla frosting
  • 2-3 cups melted dark chocolate 
  • -Vanilla Frosting:-
  • 2-3 cups sifted confectioner’s sugar
  • 3-4 tbsp milk (I used Skim Plus)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2-1 tbsp unsalted butter- at room temperature

1. Preheat the oven 350 degrees. S In a large bowl add cookie mix, egg and butter. Mix all together until incorporated well and forms into cookie-dough texture. Drop about 2 tbsp rounds onto the cookie sheet. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, until soft, and medium-brown on the bottom. Remove and cool.
2. To make the frosting, in a large bowl add the butter and beat with a hand mixer until creamy. With the mixer on low add in the sifted confectioner’s sugar, increasing the speed as you add more sugar. After you’ve added all the sugar, beat in about 2-3 tbsp milk and vanilla extract. Frosting should be thick and cream (as if you were to frost a cupcake). Pour more/less milk to achieve that consistency.
3. In a large bowl crumble about 3/4 of the batch of cookies. Add the frosting and mix until you’ve reached a crumbly, dough-like consistency. Roll into balls and place on the baking sheet to freeze for about 30 minutes. Before freezing, place a lollipop stick into the balls, so the stick hardens with the cake and stays put. Remove and dip one-by-one into the melted, cooled chocolate. stand up-right in a glass or stick into a styrofoam slab to dry. Eat! I liked mine with a glass of cold fat-free milk :)

To give you an idea on what cake pop really is, take a look at this.

Of course you can decorate it with different shapes and designs, look at this i found this images over the internet and im soo amazed how well they were made..
I want to try the Yo gaba gaba cake pops. :) There are tons of cake pop recipes available over the internet. You can also try and experiment your own recipes.

Happy Caking, 


*thanks to and

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